Punyajanam (Punya means purifying and janam means birth) is a function held on the 11th day after a baby is born. It is a commonly followed ritual by Tamilians. On the day of the punyajanam, a sastrigal (pandit) is called who performs a small puja and the sprays omathanner (ajwain water) throughout the house as though to cleanse it. No homam (havan) is performed as smoke is not good for the newborn. After the pooja, the mother and the newborn are called. The official and other names that they have decided for the kid is said 3 times in the new born's year and it is also written 3 times in Sanskrit (Devanagiri script) over rice chaff. This is followed by showering of gifts to the newborn and the maternal uncle repeating the process of writing the name under the newborn's cradle. Reach out to Nala to make this event a tasteful affair