
The Man who completed all his family-duties and mundane-commitments, gets totally relieved from the monetary-involvements, since the time he handed over to his children to continue on their own independently on reaching the age of 80.
The day of Pride and Joy for the Children and Grandchildren who along with all the relatives celebrate such an achievement and conduct the Marriage of the Grand-olds as a mark of gratitude and enjoyment of conducting their marriage in return seeking their blessings.
This is the day of Commencement of Prayer to God, declaring that he has completed all his commitments on Earth and is free to leave the world towards liberation from Rebirths - so to say Mukthi / Moksha / Bliss.
Shastiabthapoorthi or SathaAbhishekam, Nala Caterers are experts in all South Indian traditional celebrations and can guide you and your family to conduct each of the above auspicious event. Nala’s role here starts right from educating you on the procedure of the event to waving you and your guests a happy goodbye after the event!
Do not worry of anything - vaideegam to vaathiyar arrangements (if needed), food arrangements to receiving your guests, we take care of it all. Your celebrations begin with Nala!!